NSWFB launches bushfire CSA campaign
Published: 9th October 2007
The NSWFB has launched its summer bushfire CSA (community service announcement) advertising campaign which provides information to residents who live in bushfire prone areas on how to protect their home and the importance of having in place a bushfire survival plan.
There are three 30 second radio CSAs and also a print CSA.
Two of the three radio CSAs concentrate on the dangers of ember attack.
The first CSA warns that a bushfire over one kilometre away could reach your home in minutes due to the dangers of falling embers being blown in on the wind. Leaves and rubbish should be cleared away from around the home to help reduce the risk of fire.
Download Doorstep CSA (MP3, 941KB)
The second CSA warns that you cannot hear falling embers being blown in by the wind and that if they land on leaves in the gutter your house could be destroyed. The CSA urges residents to clean up leaves from around the property.
Download Ember CSA (MP3, 941KB)
The third CSA says the average 18-year-old can run at 16 kms an hour whereas a severe bushfire can travel at up to 25 kms an hour. The CSA urges residents to make a bushfire plan based on either staying at home to protect your property or evacuating.
Download Outrun CSA (MP3, 941KB)
The print CSA consists of a rake resting against a garden fence with the headline “Fire! Fire! Quick, Get the Rake.
The CSA carries the simple message that by raking up loose leaves from around the home before a fire happens you help to protect it from burning embers blown in from a nearby bushfire.
Download Rake A3 Poster (JPG, 1.96MB)
For more information about bushfire preparation, call 1800 679 737, visit your local fire station or use the community resources available on this website or www.bushfire.nsw.gov.au