Beware Bogus Callers
Published: 5th June 2007
Members of the public often ring the NSWFB because they have been contacted, usually by phone, to buy raffle tickets ‘to support the firefighters.’ The NSWFB does not run raffles. People are urged to be careful when responding to any such invitations. In particular:
- try to identify exactly who is asking you for the money (ie if they say firefighters, ask which fire service or brigade specifically, and ring to check if this is true);
- be very careful about giving personal financial information such as credit card and bank account details.
The Rural Fire Service Association (RFSA) is a non-profit group which runs raffles to provide financial support to families of volunteers who are injured fighting fires. The RFSA has no connection with the NSWFB. If you have been contacted about a raffle for firefighters, you can contact the RFSA office on (02) 4722 2122 or check their website at to check whether the call is genuine.
The core response activities of the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) are funded by a mix of funding from state and local government and the insurance industry. We do not solicit donations for our own core activities.The NSWFB only accepts donations (usually in the form of sponsorship) for certain of its activities such as Community Fire Units and some community safety prevention programs.
As part of the NSW Fire Brigades’ community involvement, many of our personnel regularly make personal donations as well as help to raise funds for selected external organisations such as the Burns Units at The Children’s Hospital, Westmead and the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle. These organisations were chosen because of their connection with the work of the NSWFB. Staff also participate in specific fundraisers such as Bluey Day, a major annual fundraising activity by the emergency services sector. If you have an enquiry about fundraising, please contact the Manager, Corporate Communications Capability Manager, phone (02) 9265 2667 or e-mail
Individual fire stations sometimes participate in and support particular local community fundraising initiatives. This is a matter for local Zone Commanders and Station Commanders to consider, in accordance with the NSWFB’s policies and procedures. Requests for involvement of local firefighters in fundraising should be made to your local fire station.