Graphic images to promote fire safety in the lead up to winter

Published: 2nd May 2006

Commissioner Greg Mullins of the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) today announced a campaign featuring graphic imagery on display around Sydney as part of a fire safety awareness initiative in the lead up to winter.

"In 2005, NSW experienced a horrific winter with 20 people tragically dying in home fires between May and September – 13 of them, including seven children, perishing in a period of just over two weeks," Commissioner Mullins said.

"The new campaign features metrolite posters, showing graphic depictions of the consequences of fire, at bus shelters and other stand-alone displays at 60 sites across metropolitan Sydney.

"We make no apologies for showing these graphic images and hopefully shocking people out of their complacency so they take precautions before the arrival of winter.

"There are a range of precautions residents can take to help prevent fires and maximise chances of escape, including three addressed by the posters: supervising children when cooking in the kitchen, leaving your key in the deadlock to allow you to escape in the event of a fire, and making sure that your smoke alarm is working."

Commissioner Mullins said the posters had been developed free of charge by the advertising agency Clemenger BBDO and advertising space had been provided by the company, JC Decaux, also free of charge.

He said the posters were part of the NSW Fire Brigades 'Be safe, not sorry' educational campaign to promote fire safety.

"The campaign also includes thought-provoking television and radio community service announcements, which highlight the need for smoke alarms, home escape plans and other fire safety measures in the home," he said.

From 1 May, all buildings where people sleep were required to have smoke alarms.

"By making smoke alarms compulsory and running educational campaigns like the NSW Fire Brigades' 'Be safe, not sorry' campaign, we are aiming to help NSW residents protect themselves against the often tragic consequences of fire," Commissioner Mullins said.

"Firefighters want to work together with the community to ensure we don't have a repeat of the tragic winter of 2005 and that families do not become fire statistics".