Multi agency diploma key to NSW emergency services collaboration and innovation
Published: 5th March 2019
The first class to complete a Multi-Agency Diploma of Leadership and Management has graduated today during a ceremony at the Fire and Rescue NSW Emergency Services Academy in Orchard Hills.
A nationally recognised qualification, the Diploma brings together NSW State Emergency Service (SES), NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS), NSW Ambulance, the Office of Emergency Management and Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) to provide new opportunities for collaboration across emergency services.
FRNSW Commissioner Paul Baxter said, “This Diploma represents our commitment to investing in and driving multi-agency leadership development. It demonstrates the strong partnership that exists between NSW emergency services agencies as we find new ways to build our capabilities to serve our communities.”
The rigorous course delivered over a 16-month period by TAFE Riverina focuses on innovation, leadership, project strategy and team management.
TAFE NSW Regional General Manager Kerry Penton said, “Leadership is critical to any business and we are very proud to be the training provider for this Diploma. It is a great example of how we can tailor and contextualise courses to suit organisational needs.”
The 40 participants were required to identify opportunities or issues in their areas of work, and to develop and implement projects to address these. For instance, a graduate from FRNSW developed a Retained Firefighters Women Network to deal with issues of isolation and retention in regional areas. Another graduate from FRNSW worked collaboratively with SES to implement a mobile app to help build and maintain volunteer skills while another graduate implemented programs to improve support to stroke victims.
“This is just the beginning and we are continuing to work on new ways to develop leaders around our state. Already, 20 station officers and firefighters are participating in a new Diploma of Leadership and Management, delivered in virtual classrooms through interactive webinars,” said Commissioner Baxter. “This Diploma successfully connects emergency services in ways never seen before, to greatly benefit the communities they work to protect.”