01/11/10 - Rosemeadow - two kittens rescued from underwater storm drain
Published: 1st November 2010
Rosemeadow Fire Station received a call today from a concerned resident stating he had been kept awake all night by a number of kittens that appeared to be trapped in the storm water system outside his house. On arrival firefighters found one six week old kitten who had apparently escaped the drain laying on the grass beside a large storm water grate. Another two kittens had apparently moved further into the underground drain. An inspection pit some thirty metres from the two kittens was opened and the high pressure hose reel off the fire truck was used to successfully flush one kitten safely into the hands of a waiting firefighter kitten. The second kitten proved more stubborn and one firefighter with breathing equipment and safety harness entered the drain, however this action only scared the kitten into moving further along the drain. The final strategy employed was to use a large industrial sized firefighting hose and with a large torrent of water the remaining kitten was flushed safely some thirty metres towards another inspection pit and into the hands of a waiting firefighter. All three kittens are happy and healthy and were quickly adopted by a nearby family who will try and locate suitable homes for the soggy moggies!