Bushfires flare in several locations

Published: 22nd November 2006

Severe weather conditions have seen the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) engaged in significant bushfire firefighting operations over the past four days.

NSWFB firefighters are working alongside NSW Rural Fire Service crews for property protection at major bushfires in the Blue Mountains and at Molong in the Central West of the State.

More than 200 NSWFB firefighters, from around Sydney and local NSWFB Blue Mountains stations, are fighting two Blue Mountains fires, and strike teams have been deployed to individual streets to perform property protection.

A fire is raging in the Molong area, and 30 NSWFB firefighters, including instructors and recruits from the Wellington training college, and crews from Molong, Bathurst and Orange, are involved in property protection.

For more information on the bushfire situation go to the NSW Rural Fire Service web site.